Benjamin Benedict
b. 14 May 1774, Virginia
m. Mary Richey (3/21/1779-May 17, 1866) on 5 May 1798, Lincoln Co., KY
d. 28 Jan 1849
Lindsey, 9 Dec 1801, Allen Co., KY
Female, about 1806, Allen Co., KY
Benjamin, about 1811, Allen Co., KY
Queendilla or Quincilla, about 1815, Allen Co., KY
Baby, female
Here is documentation of Benjamin Benedict’s will:
Benedict, Benjamin June 7, 1847 / Feb 12, 1849 Wife: Mary. Children: Anna C. WADE, Lindsey BENEDICT John BENEDICT, Alexander BENEDICT, Polly WINFREY, Harrison BENEDICT, Queendilla LOGAN, Letty C. BRACKIN, James C. Benedict, heirs of Benjamin BENEDICT (dec’d); George B. Ann B. James B, Lean (burned) H., P.F.A.N.
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